Burn baby burrrnn

BURN BABY BURN 👿 & I'm not referring to that disco song everyone hears in their heads when they read that.... I'm talking actual fire, acid, poison, BURN. How would you describe the emotion anger? If you know me, you know I'm WELL versed in all emotions. Some may even say I could write a dictionary with pages describing each emotion so explicitly that you'd feel every ounce of joy, every pang of sorrow, and every tremble of excitement. But one emotion I would struggle with describing would be... ANGER . But something weird happened to me this week. I felt it. This acidic fire eating my insides. This molten filled, ground breaking, overflowing... ANGER . I couldn't even look at a baby picture of myself without hinging at my waist and balling up my fists. HOW DARE those doctors push my symptoms aside for months as stress. HOW DARE that pregnancy not bless me with a baby. HOW DARE my body not work right for the last 6 months I had left to try. H...