Becoming a vegan...worst thing ever

Becoming a vegan was the worst thing ever...

...For my hormonal acne...
It's GONE. This is no joke whatsoever. On March 6th I started eating a vegan diet. March 6th I had pimples all over my back and shoulder and my chin and jawline. When I say pimples, I may as well call it the Grand Canyon National Park. I was mortified when I started breaking out six months ago and tried anything to rid of it-YOU NAME IT. My skin is more clear now then it was when I was a kid.

...For my Dryness...
Yes, that kind of dryness ladies. It comes along with menopause and is no fun. Funny how connected your body is to the things we eat. This one I noticed within days! The hormones they put in the dairy products and meats were truly making me so unbalanced in ways I never noticed day to day and thought was just my new "normal".

...For my extra pounds...
UH DUH! I lost 5 lbs in the first two weeks and I ate more then I had in months. I was constantly eating snacks and chomping away all day. Which in turn had me drinking more water. It was a WIN WIN!

...For my dull tired feeling...
Energy was only had if I consumed coffee, coke or had 17 hours of sleep; but when I went vegan I gave up caffeine as well because it makes my anxiety go through the roof. The first two days (I started on a weekend) I was TIRED. Day 3 till now, the natural energy my body is putting off is amazing. I'm working full days, going to orange theory to work out, and then cleaning and cooking when I get home.

...For my mind fog...
I didn't even know my name 50% of the time or why I walked into rooms in my house when I started going through POF. My mind fog was one of the scariest things I experienced. I'm happy to say that has reduced TREMENDOUSLY. Almost 100%.

There's a million reasons I could tell you that becoming a vegan in turn was the BEST thing I've ever done for my POF, but instead I'll leave you with some yummy foods that made the transition that much easier in case you're ready to combat all that yucky feeling! (Or just want to do it to cleanse your body.
  • Dark chocolate-YES.
  • Cookie Butter- Have ya'll had this stuff? I feel like it's some form of sorcery that's how delicious it is
  • Lightlife veggie dogs- I warm up two and pile on the ketchup!
  • Vegan Spreadable Butter-It tastes more like butter then "I can't believe it's not butter"
  • Lara Bars-Those cookie dough bars can't get in my mouth fast enough.
  • Ben&Jerry's Non Dairy Ice Cream-PB& just...honestly I have no words, just eat it!
  • Teriyaki Tofu-Tofu is not that bad ya'll I promise
Becoming a vegan is the worst thing ever for those POF (or other yucky hormone stuff) symptoms!


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