When you're too special for even the specialist.

Today was the day...that I saw the Reproductive specialist who specializes in ALL things women's reproductive system.
The typical salary for these doctors are anywhere from $270,000-$366,000.
They have to go to college to pursue a pre-med degree, then get into medical school.  After medical school they must get into a residency that specializes in their field.(reproductive systems)  Once they have completed this residency over the course of several years then they must pass a national medical board examination.
They aren't done quite yet.   Finally they must complete a two- to three-year fellowship in infertility treatment, followed by two years of clinical experience. Oral and written examinations must also be passed. This is all in addition to a four-year obstetrics and gynecology residency.
And I saw the BEST OF THE BEST.
Just to hear...that I still had POF(Or I hear it is POI now)

They tested for all autoimmune diseases-NEGATIVE
They tested to see if it was a fluke-NEGATIVE
They tested all my vitals to see if something was wrong-NEGATIVE
They even did a full chemical analysis of my body-Healthy as a clam.  (By the way-anyone else wondering why the clam is so healthy?) 

So this specialist was the one who would help me.  Bring light to my situation.  Tell me "Ah-ha THAT is why your ovaries failed." Or "You see here you've got yada yada which caused this illness."
There was none of that.
This is what there was...

"This is a sad situation.  Only a handful of people have ovaries that fail on them for no reason at 26.  I'm sorry to tell you, but you only have two options to start a family.  Egg donor or a miracle." **Miracles are always an option**

He forgot the third. Adoption.
Today was the day...that God kicked us in the door he opened and we were too self centered to notice and let go of the door frame we so vainly white knuckled.  When I heard him tell me that, some would say, debilitating news;  It was like heaven opened up and my life just began.

So hold on my sweet precious babies.  You'll be ours before you know it.

Matthew 5:18-"Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me."


  1. Hi, I don’t know you, but I’m always looking for people to come alongside. I was diagnosed with Premature Ovarian Failure at 14, was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer at 20, and now have a beautiful baby girl through adoption. As I read through some of your blog posts, it’s as if I wrote them myself - the heartache at diagnosis, the pain/frustration/anger at seeing other moms get to do and be what I wanted so badly, the bitterness at my infertility as we had to fill out ONE MORE background check to make sure we were truly fit to be adoptive parents. I’ve alsl felt the joy that cannot be described as I held our sweet 4 pound little girl and felt God say - this is what I had planned for you. Praying for you!

    1. Oh I love hearing these stories of triumph! We are so excited to adopt. People truly don’t understand the pain and heartache we go through, but every time I hear another woman understands and has gone through this I feel stronger!💓


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