Inner Victory

"And I will be to her a wall of fire all around, declares the LORD, and I will be the glory in her midst." Zechariah 2:5

Everything changed for me that day. 
That doesn't mean I am not sad about the side of the stick I got.  It just means I am wiping that stinky end off, sprinkling it with glitter, grabbing some toilet paper for the person who clearly needed it and making it the BETTER end of the stick. 
The quote doesn't say.  Life is easy! Enjoy! ..NO. It says, "Life was never meant to be easy, it's meant to be lived.  Sometimes happy, other times rough...but with every up and down you learn lessons that will make you STRONG."

My strength comes from GOD.  Christ alone, cornerstone.  There are so many times I should have looked to Him but instead went to my flesh, which ironically failed me. 
POF is not be any means a death sentence. I still have the same life expectancy as everyone else.  I'm an over achiever too so I am shooting for 100.  But POF does mean my life won't be as easy as the other 99% of people.  I'll be sad when I see friends and family have babies, but my strength will let me share with them the joy that I get from their happiness.  I'll be sad when I shove all the vitamins I have to take like I'm 55, but my strength will let me make it to Orangetheory and be one of the top performers EVERY.SINGLE.CLASS.  I'll be sad when I order my papa johns pizza with no cheese, or meat, only veggies and sauce because I am a vegan now(It's best to be plant based for my hormones) but my strength will help me eat all 8 slices...LOL.

Inner Victory.


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