The kind of letter that changes lives

When Dad said to write a letter to the family explaining what the last year had dealt us I thought to myself....It's Spring Break and I'm trying to get my tan on...nobody really wants a sappy letter about my womanly parts.
What occurred next was mere magic.  Parents know best ya'll.

Dear Family and friends,

We are writing to share with our loved ones what this past year has brought to our family.  In March of 2016 we decided we wanted to start a family. In June we found out we were expecting.   The pure joy and excitement that came into our lives was great! A couple of doctors’ visits later the unthinkable happened, we no longer had a viable pregnancy.   September 15th I went in for a D&C at 11 weeks to complete the miscarriage. Though it was a troubling time we were reassured by the doctors that this was common. In fact they did blood work, checkups, and the whole work up and said we were good to go to start trying again in November! So we did...and then God gave us another plan.

In January of 2017 my ovaries failed on me. I went into the doctor for some symptoms that weren't quite right and she told me I was going through..."Menopause".  I left that appointment laughing and just thinking they've got some medicine that'll fix this and it'll be ok.  Little did I know that on March 10th, 2017 our world would be forever changed.   On that day after multiple labs and doctors’ appointments I got the diagnosis of POF which is Premature Ovarian Failure. We were told that the only way I could conceive was to have someone donate eggs because mine were nonexistent and the ones that were there would again lead me to miscarriages or birth defects. It's not what we wanted to hear. It's not the way my life was supposed to go.....

Actually, it “IS” the way my life was supposed to go. God wrote this story the day he created me. In January 2017, before I ever knew what the next couple of months would give me, I impulsively got a tattoo by myself at 8 o'clock on a Tuesday night, a school night mind you. It's attached for you to see. The Bible verse Esther 4:14 came to me on October 30th 2016 and for some reason starting giving me purpose.   I thought about it everywhere I went.  It read as follows..."Perhaps you were made for such a time as this." Esther 4:14. Butterflies have always been my sign from God that he's with me and not to be anxious or afraid.  I posted a picture of the butterfly tattoo on January 17th with that quote from Esther.

Today we get it. Chris and I see what we were made for, what God’s message in this mess is for us.  We aren't victims of the crippling news that I'm 1% of the women population that can't have kids naturally. No, instead we are chosen by God to have a family the way he desires. One day we may go the egg donor route and spend all that time and money, but for now God has made it clear that we are meant to adopt children who need us and we equally need: Children who may not have homes, love, or families to call their own. There are little gifts from God out there that will become our family, and YOUR family. They were made for such a time as be adopted and chosen by us and for us. So we can't wait for this journey.  God has called us to do his will and we wanted to share it with you all. We love each and every one of you from the bottom of our hearts and feel all of your love for our family. So stay tuned for the growth of the Whitcomb/Williams family. More love, fun, and memories are meant to be had.

PS: you know that Esther quote that came to me in October through the trials? Well guess what...Esther was an orphan who was adopted and changed the world because of it. We hear you loud and clear God.
                                                                                                                               The Whitcombs


  1. My husband and I have been struggling with fertility and pregnancy loss for two and a half years now. We have three sweet angels that never made it into our arms. I haven't gotten the courage to tell many past my immediate family and friends but seeing your strength and knowing that it has helped me, makes me rethink my decision. Your posts have been so heavy on my heart and mind. I am thinking of you both and praying fiercely for God to bless you with the family you have always dreamed of. God works in mysterious ways but one thing is for sure, he knows what he is doing!! All in due time.

    1. If you want help with the letter, or after the letter for support you know where to find me! It was a rough year struggling with fertility and losing one, but to lose two, YOU have strength. I wish you the very best and hope they figure out what has caused that to happen to you guys. I knowthe worst part was NOT KNOWING for us!
      All in due time is write my friend. God's time and God's will! XOXO

  2. So beautiful! I cried reading this because it's amazing that you can see God's plan so clearly! Prayers for you both as you start the adoption journey.

  3. Beautiful Post! I cried reading this because it's truly amazing how you can see God's plan so clearly. Prayers to you both as you enter this journey of adoption!


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