This one is for YOU...

Thank you for reading all my blog posts and allowing me to share my beautiful disaster with you.
Thank you for letting me talk about myself till I was blue in the face, and then more.
Thank you for reaching out even though we haven't talked for years or even if we see each other everyday.
Thank you for asking how I was in the mornings as I stumbled in with a fake smile.
Thank you for listening to my corny puns that made no sense but made me feel better.
Thank you for looking at me with eyes that filled with tears to show you felt a piece of my hurt.
Thank you for answering the MANY facetime calls that started and ended with tears even though it was your dinner time.
Thank you for always changing the subject back to me, when I just repeated the same thing over and over again.
Thank you for hugging me when I could barely stand up on my own two feet.
Thank you for sharing your day to day life with me to keep my mind off my own day to day life.
Thank you for understanding something that is unbearable and so hard to understand.
Thank you for the texts, calls, messages, and notes I got everyday.
Thank you for being my friend through the ugliest time in my life.
Thank you for spinning me around in the right direction when I wanted to go the wrong way.
Thank you for supporting the crazy thoughts and words that come to me, and will till I am 99.
Thank you for loving me when I was the HARDEST to love.
Thank you for catching me when I collapsed...

Because if it wasn't for YOU I'd still be on the bottom of the floor in a puddle of sadness.

Thank you for picking me up and putting me back together.


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