Not fair

It's just NOT FAIR.

What we have to go through to become adoptive parents is just NOT FAIR. That's what I kept telling myself.
There's classes, background checks, home studies, screenings, play dates to see if the kids like you, counseling, support groups, meetings with lots of decisions, and the funniest bit of it all...court.

For us to become parents we have to go through all that and never be able to "fall in love" till it's finalized. You're truly in a constant state of uncertainty about the one thing in life you should be most certain. & this state of uncertainty is nothing short of a weak captivity that you're constantly battling your heart and brain to STAY INSIDE OF though it's humanly almost....impossible.

  • You don't want to get your hopes up, but you want to go buy cute clothes and furniture like everyone else gets to do.
  • You don't want to put all your eggs in this one basket, but you know it could be all you've got.
  • You don't want to tell everyone all the details, but you want to celebrate the milestones with the people you love.
  • You don't want to dream about your future as a Momma just yet, but you already have the love growing inside of you  too big to contain.
Jokingly I wanted to ask some of the people at the adoption agency during one of our classes..."So how many months pregnant would you say I am right now?"...Quickly it went from a funny thought to a brutal echo in my head. That little question weighed heavy on my heart...what's next?💔

I felt robbed, I felt anyone who had to go this route should feel ROBBED of luxuries, natural joy, and the certain right of passage that every parent gets to go through.

Those kids in foster care are robbed. They're robbed of birthdays, bedrooms to call their own, safety from their nightmares, and parents to call their own.

I'm sure they are asking "How many months till I find my forever family?" And it's far from a trivial thought that's crossed their mind one day.

  • They don't want to do bad in school, but they've been to so many different schools they try not to put stock in it.
  • They don't want to cry at night alone, but they don't quite feel comfortable in the foster home they were thrown in after they left the only home they knew.
  • They don't want to push people away, but they've yet to find a family or any constant unconditional love.
  • They don't want to carry a heavy heart, but they watch the kids around them everywhere they go safe in forever loving arms.
It's just NOT FAIR for kids to have to experience such trauma and not have a parent to wake them up from their real life nightmare and tell's going to be ok because I'm here and I'm never leaving you.

To ALL my adoptive parents no matter where you are in this journey remember that parenthood doesn't require DNA or all the usual steps you see all around you, it requires LOVE.
To the world we are parents, mommies, and daddies all thanks to paper.
But I promise you to these children...we will be the WORLD.
Some of the most dedicated parents I have met thus far! #AdoptionStrong


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