i'm fine

I'm fine. That's what I tell my husband, family, friends, and any one who asks. I'm fine. Isn't that what we all do? It's not socially correct when asked "How are you?" to actually unleash the truth . If someone asked me today "How are you?" and I was socially incorrect I would answer with something much different then "I'm fine." It would be more like this... I'm crushed. I have days were I hate myself and blame myself for every wrinkle in anyone's day... as minuscule as an upset with friends or my husband not having a clean house. I have a heart ache that makes it hurt to breathe at times. My anxiety has been so bad that I forgot what a true deep breath feels like. I'm slipping back to a bad place that I was at four months ago. A dark world when everything changed in life as I knew it. I see people happy, living life, making memories, and laughing throughout the day. That happiness has slipped away...