It's the most wonderful time of the year


noun: holiday; plural noun: holidays 
1. a day of festivity or recreation when no work is done

All you hear is "it's the most wonderful time of the year".
It's when adjectives such as festive, jolly, merry, and magical are used in every other sentence.

Festivities are had from October till January 1st.  "a day of festivity or recreation when no work is done"

"a day of festivity or recreation when no work is done"

"a day of festivity or recreation when no work is done"

"a day of festivity or recreation when no work is done  when one has to work to fake they’re not in pain"

Holidays quickly become "Hell-idays" for people with pain.

It's all about being cheerful and positive during the holidays...

  • You want me to be cheerful about all the kids with my family and friends I see during the holidays? When instead I'm fearful that won't ever be me?
  • You want me to be positive and thankful for what I have in my life? When instead I’m truly negative and disconnected from it all to protect myself?
  • You want me to smile through the memories of 2017? When instead I cringe when I think about what I became?
  • You want me to be festive and live in this moment? When instead I want to go back to the moments before my life came tumbling down? 
And it's not just me....

It's that person missing their loved ones

It's that person who's all alone

It's that person afraid of their reality after the highs of the holidays

It's that person battling depression  

It's that person struggling to make ends meet

If you're still reading this(thanks lol), you've got to be thinking... "uuhhhh..ok...GRINCH....SCROOGE....CLARK GRISWALD!"

And guess what.... you're right.

I feeeeel their pain.  A lot of people feeeeel their pain.....

If you're still reading this and you feel the pain....

Take a "holiday".... "a day of festivity or recreation when no work is done"

Be honest. Be open.  Be hurt. Be sad. Be angry.  Be YOU. 

THAT is what the holidays are about.  A day where you don't have to work to hide yourself.  

Holidays become such a silent personal hell for so many people.  Don't let that be you.  I let it be me. I became that angry 'grinch', the resentful 'scrooge', and the over worked 'clark'.

Allow yourself to be all those adjectives that are NOT normally associated with the holidays, BUT don't allow yourself to become the Grinch, Scrooge, or Clark.  

You may lose people you love.  You may lose things you had.  You may lose what you thought your life was supposed to be. Whatever happens, don't lose yourself. 


I hope you know you're festive, jolly, merry, and magical even when it feels like you're not. Whether you think you can or think you can''re Right<3 

Image may contain: one or more people

 "The pain you feel can't compare to the joy that's coming." Romans 8:18



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