Doctor Visit Numero Uno

I passed out one time giving blood(for a routine blood test...two vials) and I SWEAR I went to heaven and sang in the choir with Jesus.  My husband heard them calling my name for like a minute and they had to get the actual doctor to come wake me up.  I was half out the chair and woke up with..pee..on me.  Definition of passed out cold.  Needless to say, my doctors all know me, and the nurses, receptionists, and I've usually made friend with the people in the waiting room .

So here I was at the doctor's office.  My OBGYN to be exact.  I went straight to the source.  45 minutes later I walked out with a juicy juice(thank goodness they had some in the fridge there) and a bandage on my arm and a little pep in my step that it was all going to be a-okay.  Stress.  Did you know that stress is the #1 cause of chronic illness? I believe it.  Did you know people the ages of 18-33 are the most stressed individuals in the world.  Pretty sure I'm like top 5 in that group.  I have a bachelor's, master's, phd, and whatever other degrees there can possibly be with anxiety.  We go hand and hand! So I believed it, I had been feeling stressed lately and those mood swings had been drastic so you know what...that was IT! Dern I thought.

PSA: I spent the week waiting for my blood work horribly.  I let it consume me. I went to all those websites I previously told you NOT to go to every hour.  I was convinced that I would die 7 different deaths each night if I didn't get those blood work results back asap.  So my advice if this is you.  DON'T DO IT.  You will not die before those blood work results come back, and not when they come back either.  Don't let stress fool you into believing you have a degree that trumps your doctor's.  The only degree I have is a bachelor's in Early Childhood Education.  Though I worked hard to get it, I'm not a doctor of anything. 


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