That title says it all. I am dramatic and I know it. The next couple of weeks after my first blood results just meant more and more blood. THANK GOD for all the tests they can run with our blood. Now if you know anything about blood tests, you've got to have multiple test ran on the same things to get a definite answer. I had autoimmune disease blood work ran, cancer (yes I asked for this specifically due to WedMD) all my vitals, FSH, prolactin, estrogen, testosterone, LH, AMH, YOU NAME IT! I made lots of friends the weeks I got my blood drawn: there was a lady from Russia who let me drink juice and lay back when she took my blood. We were BFFs be the end of it. Hope she found the organic mango juice at publix, HAH! (inside joke for me and my Russian BFF) I also made enemies with some other blood drawers whom said "Sweetie you don't need to lay down to get your blood drawn, you'll be fine." She was lucky I had somewhere to be after that so I h...